When it comes to finances, children are naturally curious. In order to help them develop a strong sense of financial literacy, start by teaching them the basics as early as possible. Start by explaining what money is, what it is used for, and how to keep track of it.
Here are a few tips to help kids learn about money:
1. Start early. Show your kids how to save money from a young age. Teach them about budgeting, investing, and credit.
2. Talk about money. Discuss your finances with your kids. Teach them about the different types of money and how it works.
3. Teach them about money values. Help your kids understand the importance of spending responsibly and saving for a rainy day.
One of the best ways to teach kids about money is to give them an allowance. An allowance is a regular payment that kids receive from their parents or guardians. It can be in the form of money, goods, or a form of credit. Kids can also earn money by keeping good grades, and by receiving gifts from family and friends.
Once they have a good understanding of how their money is being spent, it's time to teach them about bookkeeping. It's never too early to start learning this practice. Tracking funds with a money log or journal can give kids a better understanding of the importance of saving money.
-Aleisha Kelly
Help your child to get a jumpstart on how to track their finances with our Young King Money Log book. Now available for pre-order.